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Seven Cities playtest

Welcome to the Seven Cities Playtest!

First of all, welcome to the new outsiders who have recently joined our community!

Your support and feedback on the playtest have been incredible, and we truly value your insights.

If you're eager to contribute further, we invite you to join our Discord community. Don’t hesitate to bombard us with your issues, bug reports, feedback, and of course, your favorite builds that let you dominate the Seven Cities and swiftly defeat ROBERTO!

Playtest Seven Cities NOW!

Together, let’s shape the future of Seven Cities. Join the conversation and let your voice be heard!

But IMV Studio, what about controller support?

This question has been at the forefront of our community discussions recently, and we're excited to update you on our progress! Controller support for Seven Cities is on its way, with 70% of the integration already completed.

We've been implementing Unity's new input system, allowing for seamless switching between different types of controllers. The integration of this system along with existing keymapping is a crucial step towards full controller support.

Our target is to enable controller gameplay by July. While we might finish earlier, our current focus is on refining the UI—essential for ensuring a smooth, intuitive action-RPG experience.

Stay tuned for more updates, and thank you for your patience and enthusiasm!

Special Thanks to Aaron in This Update

Developing Seven Cities, our first game, has been a rollercoaster of highs and lows over the past four years. In this industry, the kindness and support we've received from Aaron stand out as extraordinarily impactful.

His contributions have provided us with a game-changing boost that has significantly advanced our progress. While words can hardly do justice, we extend our heartfelt thanks to Aaron for his remarkable support.

Aaron, you’ve made a real difference, and we are incredibly grateful!

Check out his detailed video presentation of Seven Cities:

The Full Patch Note

Weapon Specialization

We've completely reworked the weapon specialization panel in Seven Cities. Now, weapons within the same category share a common specialization tree, streamlining gameplay and enhancing your strategic options. For instance, all rifles utilize the same rifle spec, both shotguns share a shotgun spec, and melee weapons like the baseball bat and axe now share specifications.

This significant update not only simplifies the system but also sets the stage for expanding our weapon variety more efficiently. With this new structure, adding diverse weapons like new axes or bats that utilize existing specs becomes seamless, enriching your arsenal choices and combat strategies.

  • Full rework of the weapon specialization panel

  • Clear the UI of specialization panel

  • Full rework of the rifles specialization that cost 2, 4, and 8 affinity points

  • Add 4 new specializations (cost 8) in rifles with behavior tags like bullet homing, delay before explosion

  • Update the iconography of the main goal

  • Add VFX at the main camp to indicate where you should go to start activities

  • Clean the main camp level design to clarify the direction to start activities

  • Update the distant enemies' minimum distance to attack

  • Add a new tooltip small display (not fully complete but it will be in the next few days)

  • Fix special display at the NPC that sells new special attacks

  • Fix auto-selecting the right tab in player inventory depending on the left panel

  • Fix the system of the main quest

  • Fix the hotbar that removes special attacks when you switch backpacks

  • Fix the pet special attack that can disappear

  • Fix the wheel animation of your town portal

  • Fix the minimap display if your resolution wasn't 1920x1080

  • Fix the passive panel research

  • You can't click anymore on the jump click in the hotbar

  • Fix an issue with the countdown activity

The major passive is not finished; it's just a preview of the system. A big update about it will appear in the next two patches.

A fix to kill ROBERTO with melee and rolling skills is coming in the next few days as a small patch update.

Thank you!

We sincerely hope this update captures the essence of our commitment to creating a fun and engaging action-RPG. With the newly revamped specialization system, we're excited to see the diverse builds you'll create. Your innovative strategies and feedback are what drive us forward, and we can't wait to see how you leverage these changes in your gameplay.

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